Julia Misrasi

Julia Misrasi



About Coach

I was always the tallest girl in class and was naturally asked to play a lot of sports. I participated in basketball, track, and soccer and excelled in none of them. A knee injury in high school kept me humble and is the main reason I've stayed fit throughout most of my adult life. Delaying the onset of aging has been my primary goal with fitness.

Turning Point

Turning 40 was a "grand reset" for me. I went through one of the most difficult times of my life while also changing careers and nursing a knee injury. It was at this low point in my life that I discovered my love for boxing. Boxing healed my body, mind, and soul. It was incredibly empowering to pick up an amazing sport at an age when a lot of people start to slow down.

Motivation & Passion

I want everyone to find the thing that makes them feel strong - mentally, emotionally, physically - and I think once you find your strength in one thing, it guides your life to find strength in many things. Boxing played a big part in me finding myself, and I wanted to create a gym where I could help and support others on their journeys to finding their own strengths. I also want to set an example for my son of what a strong woman is, what a supportive parent is, and what a capable person can achieve through hard work and determination.

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